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/ Maxon PD Collection 2 / Maxon Compact Disc 2.zip / Maxon Compact Disc 2.iso / pd_base / pd_stc / 301_350 / 344_2.img (.png) < prev    next >
GEM Raster Bitmap  |  1995-06-29  |  17KB  |  640x400  |  1-bit (2 colors)
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OCR: LHarc 1.13b (Atari ST) (c)Yoshi 1988- 89 LHarc versi 151 (Atari ST) Copyr ight Haruyasu Yoshizaki 1988- -89 05/14/89 High- per formance compress sion progr we. usage LHarc [<command>] -[/}}] <switch> -1+121 <option>]}} <archive> [{<drive name <base directory> [<path nane <command> PPU files to archive u Update files to archive Freshen files archive Move new files into archive Delete files from archive EXtract files from archive disPIay files in archive View List files archive Test integrity archive <swi tch Recursively collect files W assign Work directory allow eXtended file names Message query distinguish ful1 Path names skip time-s tamp Comparison allow any Attr ibutes files View files by another utility display No indicator PIOH screen after finishing archive Time tamp option You iISTE ...